Trying to find the perfect house isn’t easy. Deciding to remain put isn’t easy either. There are a lot of decisions to be made this year, and sometimes you just have to believe in signs.

Last year I read and re-read The Happyness Project by Gretchen Rubin – and even though I’ve only tried out a few of the things she mentioned in the book – I’m sure that it has made a huge difference in my life. So what’s with this book you might wonder – and what does that have to do with decorating?

I’ll tell you. The other day we made a huge decision. For the next year at least we’re going to live, love, relax and enjoy every moment in this apartment. We’re going to get the the last things done, in order for it to feel 100% like our home. We’ve been going back and forth about moving, in order for our girl to attend the right school. We’ve been looking at public and private schools in order for her to get a good start.

The other day I believe there was a sign in my Happyness Page a Day calendar.

“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about” – Charles Kingsley

It’s an amazing feeling – and I’m ready for 2012 to be the year of happyness for all of us.

So after this little turnaround, I want to show you a dream house that I’m quite enthusiastic about. It’s from the Norwegian Bo Bedre, and it’s packed with great ideas and solutions for family life.

Images: Bo Bedre Norway

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