photoSo, I’ve decided to give this Bullet Journal thing a go. I’ve been reading, and drawing and finding inspiration for months now. I’m a ‘to do’ and list kind of person, and I would love to see how keeping it all in one notebook can help me get even more organized.

A few months back the BuJo craziness hit Denmark real hard. I’d been reading about it quite a lot before that, but hadn’t decided to give it a go yet. But with the BuJo craziness, all of a sudden, it was much easier to get my hands on some of the stuff. Of course, I’ve done a bit of Wish shopping as well – like the stencils in the above picture. One of my close friends started her BuJo around the same time as I did. Therefore, we’ve been sharing ideas for spreads and stuff to buy. It’s a lot of fun, but it can also be an expensive hobby.

The other day, my 11-year old daughter asked if she could have a notebook like mine. She would like to draw and make similar lists of the books she’s reading and the movies she would like to see. I’m actually considering buying her a notebook for Christmas. Then she can use it as a BuJo, or simply draw in it. Lately, she’s been drawing and painting a lot more, which is great. I had planned to get her some nice pencils for Christmas anyway – so this might just be the perfect combination.

I don’t plan to show a lot of my content here on the blog. For me, this BuJo is for keeping track of mostly personal goals and habits, as well as lists of things to do or buy. Instead of showing you my content, I’ll show you some of the things I buy, and some of the things I find cute. I’m planning a post about some of the stuff I’ve bought to get started. Stay tuned for that.


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