We’re redecorating our dining room these days. We’re trying to create a cozy spot for the whole family to enjoy. A lot of waiting and patience is needed, which I’m not good at by the way. I’m still trying to decide which coffee table to buy, but I think I’ve found a winner. But we’ve decided on a new lounge chair. My husband and I have picked out a A Lounge Chair from Hay. Here’s where the waiting kicks in again. The new chair will arrive in about 8 weeks time.
Right now I’m browsing Instagram and Pinterest for even more inspiration. I’ve also got a dining spot to redecorate, but right now my main focus is the sofa spot, and how to make that as cozy as possible. I’ve found the beautiful Twin 35 or Twin 42 coffee table in cool grey from ByLassen, which I hope my husband will like. I’m also looking to add a new lamp and some coziness to the spot. Here’s a look at my current mood board/wishlist.
The cozy spot wishlist
1. Wood II print found at Sirlig
2. Oswald sofa from Møblér
3. Stumpestagen – small found at Moods
4. About A Lounge Chair from Hay
5. Dot Cushion from Hay
6. Moon Lamp from ByNord
7. Twin 42 from ByLassen