It’s been quiet in here for some time partly due to my foot surgery. It’s nothing major, but it had me in bed for almost a week. I’m slowly walking around our home now – one step at a time. On top of it, I’m trying to chase away a cold, but it’s not working yet. I cannot wait to go outside later today. It’s a test walk – because I have to get up and go to work tomorrow – and I need to see if I can walk around in shoes.skaermbillede-2016-10-09-kl-10-55-48I’ve been dreaming about fall, cozy nights with hot chocolate, lots and lots of books, blankets and lit candles all around our home. I just bought Kubus 4 – the cool grey one – and I’ve been enjoying it very much. It’s such a pretty color. I posted the above picture on Instagram yesterday, because I was going mad. I really wanted to go outside. If you want to get inspired by this lovely season, check out my new board Fall moments on Pinterest.

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