Lately, I’m really inspired by tiny interior details, when it comes to decorating your home.
I’ve always loved walking around town and spotting different interior details in the homes I walk by. My husband and I used to do it a lot before we had kids (not in a nosy kind of way, of course). I’m sure we’ll do it again soon, because the kids are growing up, and in the not so distant future, we might get the chance to walk hand in hand down the street more often – just the two of us.
Until then, I’ll enjoy the times we do, and browse the internet for even more inspiration. Take this home for example, I know it’s been done before, and some of you might even be tired of it by now. But I love the raw brick walls in this home. What is more, I love what they’ve done with it.
The fact that the kitchen and other spots around the home are so clean and minimalistic makes for the perfect raw element.
I’m drawn to this home, because I find some very beautiful solutions, which corresponds with my own taste, but I also find corners of this home, where I’m left thinking: Why on earth did they do that? That’s what I love most about getting a glimpse of how other people live and decorate.
Images: Alvhem