It has been one of those lazy Sundays here with a late breakfast with a lovely cup of coffee. After that it was time for a long planned movie date for the whole family. There is nothing like a pyjama day once in a while. We watched Big Hero 6 under warm blankets and drank more coffee.

After that the kids have been playing and making movies. I had a few practical things to take care of, and now I think it’s time for a walk outside, and enjoy a sunny day in October.

A cool Swedish home
But before I leave you, I want to share a beautiful Swedish home with you. The home is a former cinema, which in itself makes it pretty cool. I’m in love with the color scheme and the interior. The home has been styled by the talented stylist Josefin Hååg and the amazing photos are by photographer Kristofer Johnsson for the magazine Residence.

Kristofer_Johnsson Kristofer_Johnsson Kristofer_Johnsson Kristofer_Johnsson Kristofer_Johnsson Kristofer_JohnssonPhotos: Kristofer Johnsson

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