I’m a lucky girl, because I get to experience Paris in the spring with the man i love. In just a few months, we’ll be taking it all in on what could be called a late honeymoon. We did not go on a honeymoon right after we were married. But this year we’ve been married for five years, and together for ten years, so we decided that now was the time.
And you have to be prepared. I won’t write about all the guidebooks I’ve been reading lately, or the perfect hotel room with a balcony and the most perfect view. I’ll save all that for a later post.
Instead I want to highlight a tiny (but still important) travel essential. Luggage tags. Moleskine has made luggage tags, and I still need to figure out where to get them outside the US. But having been a fan of their notebooks (and the quality) for as long as I can remember, I would love to get my hands on one of these tags.
Images: Moleskine US