The Bullet Journal Craziness

photoSo, I’ve decided to give this Bullet Journal thing a go. I’ve been reading, and drawing and finding inspiration for months now. I’m a ‘to do’ and list kind of person, and I would love to see how keeping it all in one notebook can help me get even more organized.

A few months back the BuJo craziness hit Denmark real hard. I’d been reading about it quite a lot before that, but hadn’t decided to give it a go yet. But with the BuJo craziness, all of a sudden, it was much easier to get my hands on some of the stuff. Of course, I’ve done a bit of Wish shopping as well – like the stencils in the above picture. One of my close friends started her BuJo around the same time as I did. Therefore, we’ve been sharing ideas for spreads and stuff to buy. It’s a lot of fun, but it can also be an expensive hobby.

The other day, my 11-year old daughter asked if she could have a notebook like mine. She would like to draw and make similar lists of the books she’s reading and the movies she would like to see. I’m actually considering buying her a notebook for Christmas. Then she can use it as a BuJo, or simply draw in it. Lately, she’s been drawing and painting a lot more, which is great. I had planned to get her some nice pencils for Christmas anyway – so this might just be the perfect combination.

I don’t plan to show a lot of my content here on the blog. For me, this BuJo is for keeping track of mostly personal goals and habits, as well as lists of things to do or buy. Instead of showing you my content, I’ll show you some of the things I buy, and some of the things I find cute. I’m planning a post about some of the stuff I’ve bought to get started. Stay tuned for that.


9 delicious comfort food ideas for fall/winter

I don’t know about you, but I’m in the mood for some comfort food. I haven’t done a food post in quite a while, so now it’s time to have a look at some wonderful dishes for late fall and the winter season.

Fall and winter are my favourite time of the year. I love how everything turns red and orange outside. I also love cooking comfort food this time of the year. Nothing like enjoying some family time surrounded by the smell of delicious food in the making in the entire home.

Comfort food for winter

Want to make some of the dishes yourself, take a look at these links and get cooking:
#1 Thai Butternut Squash Red Curry
#2 Crispy Sweet Potato Fries with Avocado Coriander Dip
#3 Winter Buddha Bowl 
#4 Roasted Vegetable Salad with Garlic Dressing
#5 Butternut Squash and Spinach Lasagna
#6 Baked Gnocchi with Cream, Mushrooms and Blue Cheese Sauce
#7 Smoky Eggplant, Lamb Sausage and Potato Pizza
#8 Roasted Chicken with Thyme and Hasselback Potatoes
#9 Loaded Mac & Cheese 

8 podcasts for an inspiring November

podcasts for november

It’s podcast inspiration time. I’ll be using public transportation even more from now on. Therefore, I’ve got a list of different podcasts lined up to keep me company – and even more important to keep me inspired. I know I’ve said it before, but I really love listening to podcasts. It just hit me, I should look for good ones for my daughter as well. I’m sure, she’ll love listening to one from time to time. However, now lets get back to the list of podcasts I plan to listen to in November. Most of this months podcasts are in Danish, hopefully, I’ll find some in English for December.

Podcasts, I’ll listen to in November
#1 Det du frygter
#2 In the Dark
#3 Bucket List
#4 The Thrive Global Podcast
#5 I wish my desk looked like this, when I’m listening to a podcast
#6 Casefile
#7 Succes Kriteriet
#8 All Inclusive
#9 Morten Resen Startup

As always, I would love to hear from you – which podcasts do you listen to these days? Let me know in a comment. Have a lovely day <3

Bathroom details from Ikea

Yesterday, I came across this grey Godmorgon bathroom cabinet from IKEA, which I really like. I’ve been looking at different solutions for our bathroom for years. I dream about doing it all over again. I would love to be able to see our touch and feel our ideas in there. I know that I would enjoy it every time I walk in there. I would love once and for all to change the 90s feel to it, and make it more simple and fit for a family of four.

Having bought a home, which a father and his son renovated in the early 90s, well lets just say, I could make a long list of things that either doesn’t work in reality, or looks horrible. Little by little we change all these things, and hopefully we’ll get to the bathroom in 2018. If not all of it, then at least make a few small changes.

IKEA_gratt_i_vatt_och_torrt_inspiration_1 IKEA_gratt_i_vatt_och_torrt_inspiration_2 IKEA_gratt_i_vatt_och_torrt_inspiration_3

I’m not crazy about the table top solution, or to be honest, I would have to have a look at in real life to make up my mind. But for the past two years, I’ve been dreaming about making our own table top. First I was crazy about a concrete one, but I think I’ll end up with something a little lighter.

But now I know, what to look for the next time I’m in IKEA.

Images: 1 / 2 / 3 /


Want Wear Need Read in November

Want wear need read November

It’s time for the November edition of Want Wear Need Read. And boy is it getting cold out there. I’m ready for nights indoor with hot drinks, books or a creative project.

Want I’ve been listening to the podcast The Thrive Global Podcast created by Arianna Huffington. She talks about the importance of not bringing your phone into your bedroom. In order to get a deeper sleep, I would like to try and charge my phone in another room, and not use it as my alarm clock. I would really like to add this Arne Jacobsen alarm clock to my bedside table instead.

Wear I’ve been dreaming of this beautiful striped sweater from Mads Nørgaard for a few months now. I would use it over s dress, with a skirt or with pants all winter. Normally, I wear skirts and dresses most of the time during the winter season, so this would be the perfect item to add to my wardrobe.

Need I need a creative project for those long winter nights. I’ve been thinking about knitting a chunky blanket for years, and maybe the time is right. It would be perfect for relaxing and listening to podcasts. I’m dreaming about a grey or dusty pink one.

Read Our family is planning a trip to Amsterdam on a road trip around different parts of Europe next summer. One of the cities we plan on visiting is Amsterdam. I’ve never stayed in Amsterdam, so I need to find some amazing spots in the city. I love reading the Monocle magazine, so I’m sure their guide will be just what I’m looking for.

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Happy Halloween


Happy Halloween out there. I hope you’ll have a wonderful evening with your kids and close friends. My kids have been dressing up a few times during the past weeks – and today they’re either attend a party at school or go trick or treat’ing with friends tonight. This is what my daughter will look like, if you see her in the streets of Aalborg. I actually kind of like this tradition. It has grown on me, and who knows maybe we’ll go all in next year. I know my husband would like to do something scary in our hall.

I’ve collected a few links for you, if you need a last minute Halloween idea. It’s mostly food, because I’m planning on enjoying at least one cup of hot chocolate later today.
– How to turn your teen into a skeleton – make up inspiration coming up
Halloween party ideas for kids (if you’re making pizza for tonight, why not turn the cheese into ghosts?)
– Forgot to buy candy for the kids – turn your clementine into a pumpkin  or check out these as well 
Last minute Halloween treats – you’ll love some of these creative ideas
Create a Halloween hot chocolate bar