These days I can’t stop thinking about buying a light box. It’s super cute, and I’m thinking about getting one for my boy. We’ve been doing a bit of re-decorating in his sister’s room lately, and he has been asking if we could make a few changes in his room as well. We’re planning a few major changes in there, but we’re not planning on doing them right now, so a few new (and smaller) things might do the trick for now.

Lightbox via Instagram CollageImages: 1 | 2 | 3 |

I’ve been browsing Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration, and the more I see the more I want to buy one. If you are interested check out this #lightbox or Pinterest.

I think the whole family will enjoy writing small sayings and greetings, and the light box can be used all around our home. You know me, I love buying things, which I can use all around our home, when I get tired of it in one room.

Lightbox Collage

I’ve found a light box from A Little Lovely Company. Looking through all the pictures, I came to the conclusion that I need more letters. I’ve found some really cute ones, and with different sets of letters the light box can be used around the house even more. I think I’ll go with the basic set, the set with numbers and symbols and the celebrations symbols.

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