Today, I want to share some cool back to school clothes with you. This post will only focus on clothes for girls – in this case my tween girl. I’ll then return with a boy edition in a few days. So, this back to school thing… well we’ve been hit by the “back to school craziness” big time this year. We’ve had way too much to take care of in the past two weeks, with our boy participating in a new television show for kids (which by the way was a fantastic experience – but more about that later, when they are done filming the show) and meetings. Our girl is now on 5th grade ans she’s loving every minute of it – she’s learning the German language now. She’s turning into a real teen before our very eyes, and clothes is very much a part of her transformation. Could someone please turn back time?
She’s much more into having “the right clothes” than she’s ever been. She knows what she wants, and it’s so funny listening to her talk about wanting “blogger glasses” and so on. I’ve made a collage of some of the clothes from Zara, which is currently on her wishlist.
Shopping list:
Red knitted sweater
School bag
Pants with text
Black jeggins
Black leather boots
Lightning boots
Pink knitted sweater