This is my week in pictures. A combination of Photo a Day pictures and a few from our Easter Holiday.

#1 Leftover from a quiet night in with my husband. We finally bought Mad Men season four, and now we’re enjoying quality TV again.

#2 PhotoADay Day 9: A younger me (and my husband). This picture is ten years old, taken in Sæby.

#3 PhotoADay Day 8: Inside my wallet – Something i cannot live without – my coffee from Behag din Smag, and my blog business card.

#4 Relaxed in Lønstrup with the kids during Easter. Found these cool signs in one of the cozy shops there.

#5 PhotoADay Day 6: Easter lunch at my parents’ house. The dish is quite special. It’s called skidne æg (shitty eggs – hard-boiled eggs in mustard sauce).

#6 PhotoADay Day 5: Tiny Easter Eggs in my living room. I got them from my mother a few years ago, and they remind me of my childhood.

#7 PhotoADay Day 2: Colour – my daughter playing Uno. Love the cards.

#8 PhotoADay Day 3: mail – We watched the movie You’ve got Mail that night. Remember the time, when Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks were the perfect movie couple?

#9 PhotoADay Day 4: Someone who makes me happy. This little guy makes me so happy. He loves riding in our new Nihola bike.

#10 PhotoADay Day 1: Reflection. This is me window shopping before meeting a bunch of great girls for coffee and brunch.

#11 Candy leftover from a night in – love the mix of colour and the yellow bowl.

#12 Beautiful daffodils and my tiny Easter Eggs.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Now it’s time to get back to work tomorrow. It’s a short week and before I know it, I’ll be drinking my coffee in Paris. That’s the sweet life.

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