This week an email landed in my inbox. After opening it, well, to tell you the truth, I haven’t been able to think about much else since. The mail from was full of amazing photos by Foto Factory. Photos of some of my favourite parts of Denmark. Beautiful pictures of landscape and the beautiful nature here in Denmark. I’m finding it extremely hard picking out which photo to hang on my wall. But I’m quite certain that I’ll end up buying at least one. Here are a selection of some of my favourite photos. Which one would you pick?

SOLNEDGANG OVER STAVNS FJORD - foto factory RAABJERG MILE fot factory LØKKEN STRAND - foto factory HAVET VED SKAGEN - foto factory BÅDE VED STAVNS FJORD foto factory BADEBRO VED BALLEN - foto factoryPhoto #1 – Solnedgang over Stavns Fjord
Photo #2 – Raabjerg Mile
Photo #3 – Løkken Strand
Photo #4 – Havet ved Skagen
Photo #5 – Både ved Stavns Fjord
Photo #6 – Badebro ved Ballen

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